Sunday, March 15, 2009

But I still want to check out the new iPhone Apps!

If you are like me, i was looking in App Store at least once a day to see what new apps were out. I would go to the iTunes Store and click on App Store in the left hand column. I would then click on “All Iphone Applications” and sort by “Most Recent” so that I could look at all the latest updates and new apps. When I logged on the other day and couldn’t find the All iPhone Applications option, i was a bit shocked. However I have figured out a few ways to still let me get my new app fix. Here is my advice to those with the same OCD need to see what is new.

1) Use the View Menu/Show Browser Feature in iTunes to see a list form of apps. From there, click on the App Store list item in the iTunes Store listing. Click on “Release Date” column header in the browser row area. Now click on the different Category list items to see a sorted list by date of all the applications in that category. It is a bit slower than seeing all categories at once, but maybe we can convince Apple to put in an All Category option here.

2) Subscribe to the Pinch Media’s New Application RSS feed. These are really useful app store feeds. They also have a feed for free new apps and one for updated apps. Here is how they describe this great service:

We’re happy to announce today the release of a few new RSS feeds which provide a way to view activity in the Apple App Store without having to load up iTunes or the App Store on the iPhone yourself. The first two feeds are the most recent stream of new and updated applications added into the App Store updated hourly.

Check it out.

Either way, I can still get my fix.


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