Monday, March 16, 2009

How to use the 1.1.3 jailbreak on any iPhone (Mac/Windows)

We’ve compiled a complete instruction set for turning any iPhone revision (except for those with software/firmware 1.1.3 out of the box) into a jailbroken iPhone running software/firmware 1.1.3. The process is lengthy and requires some dexterity. When you’re done, you will have a jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone that retains the capability to use Apple’s official application signing mechanism (“Nikita”) and does not use any copyrighted code.

Before beginning this guide, make sure you are within range of a usable Wi-Fi network and connect your iPhone to your Mac or PC.

  • If you’re on a standard (non-jailbroken) 1.1.3 iPhone, start with step 2.
  • If you’re on a standard (non-jailbroken) 1.1.2 iPhone, start with step 1.
  • If you’re on a standard (non-jailbroken) 1.1.1 iPhone, start with step 1.
  • If you’re on a jailbroken iPhone running software 1.1.1, start with step 7.
  • If you’re on a jailbroken iPhone running software 1.1.2, start with step 8.

If you have problems with the jailbreak, see this article.

Step 1: Update your iPhone software/firmware 1.1.3

If your iPhone is already running software/firmware 1.1.3, there’s nothing to do here.

If not, launch iTunes, select your iPhone from the left-hand pane and press the “Update” button. This will download the 1.1.3 update and install it your iPhone.

Step 2: Download iPhone software/firmware 1.1.1

Click this link to download iPhone software/firmware 1.1.1: iPhone1,1_1.1.1_3A109a_Restore.ipsw

Make sure that your system doesn’t automatically decompress this file after downloading it. If you’re on a Mac using Safari, go to the “Preferences,” click “General,” then uncheck “Open Safe files after downloading.”)

Step 3: Put your iPhone in recovery mode Hold down the sleep/wake and home buttons simultaneously until the iPhone screen goes black, then after about 2 seconds, release the sleep/wake button but continue holding the home button. The intended result is that your iPhone screen remains black, and iTunes delivers a message stating that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. If that doesn’t happen, you need to try again.

If your iPhone’s screen turns back on and you see cable pointing to an iTunes logo, your iPhone is not in the correct mode. You will need to click the “Restore” button in iTunes and re-apply the iPhone 1.1.3 update, then try this step again.

Step 4: Downgrade your iPhone to software/firmware 1.1.1

  1. With your iPhone’s screen black and iTunes displaying a message that it has detected an iPhone in recovery mode, click the “OK” button to close the error message dialog box.
  2. If you’re on a Mac, hold the “Option” key and click the “Restore” button, then select the file you downloaded in step 2.
  3. If you’re on a PC, hold down the “Shift” key and click the “Restore” button, then select the file you downloaded in step 2.
  4. This will apply the old firmware. At the end of the process you’ll receive an error message (either 1013 or 1015) stating that the iPhone could not be restored. This is normal. Click the “OK” button.
  5. Now, apply the 1.1.1 firmware/software again. Hold the “Option” key on a Mac or “Shift” key on a PC and click “Restore,” and again select the file you downloaded in step 2.
  6. If you immediately get an error message “1″ when attempting to apply firmware 1.1.1, your iPhone is in the wrong mode. Go back to step 3.

Step 5: Kick your iPhone out of recovery mode

If you are on a Mac, download iNdependence, and launch it. Wait a minute or so, and your iPhone will be pulled out of recovery mode.

If you are on a PC, download iBrickr and launch it. Wait a minute or so, and your iPhone will be pulled out of recovery mode.

[Once your iPhone is out of recovery mode, your iPhone will display the "Activate iPhone" screen with a message stating "Incorrect SIM." Quit iNdependence or iBrickr.]

Step 6: Bypass activation and jailbreak 1.1.1

Your iPhone, even if it is locked to AT&T’s network, will not be able to activate through iTunes at this point. Instead, you need to temporarily bypass activation. This is the trickiest part of the process. Follow these steps:

  1. Slide the “slide for emergency” slider
  2. Enter *#307# and press “Call.” Your iPhone will start to ring.
  3. The screen should quickly show the dialer again, and you will be able to edit the numbers. Tap the “X” button to delete all the characters (*#307#) and enter “0″ then tap “Call” again.
  4. Tap “Answer”
  5. Tap “Hold”
  6. Tap “Decline”
  7. You should now see the iPhone’s normal dialer.
  8. Tap “Contacts” at the bottom of the screen.
  9. Add a new contact and name it whatever you want.
  10. Tap “Add new URL,” and enter prefs: (that’s the word prefs with a colon after it). Save the URL.
  11. Tap “Add new URL” again and enter Save the URL.
  12. Save the contact.
  13. Now tap the URL “prefs:” that you just created. This will launch the iPhone’s Settings application.
  14. Now tap “General,” then “Auto-Lock” and change the setting to “Never”
  15. Scroll up and tap “Wi-Fi.” Select your network and enter a password if necessary.
  16. Press the iPhone’s home button. You will be back at the “Activate” screen.
  17. Slide the emergency slider and tap “0″ then tap Call.
  18. Tap Answer.
  19. Tap Hold.
  20. Tap Decline.
  21. You will now be back at the Contacts screen.
  22. Tap the contact you created before, and this time tap the URL. This will launch Safari and access the jailbreakme page.
  23. Tap “Install AppSnapp” on that page. You will be return to the “Activate” screen. Do not touch anything at this point — wait until your iPhone automatically restarts.
  24. You will see the “Activate” screen again. At this point, you can slide your iPhone to unlock it and see the normal home screen. You can now access all of your iPhone functions except for the phone.

[If any part of this step fails, turn your iPhone off by holding the sleep/wake button until the power off slider appears and sliding it, then turn the iPhone back on and try again.]

Step 7: Upgrade to jailbroken 1.1.2

  1. On your iPhone launch “Installer” from the home screen. Allow the application to update, then re-launch it.
  2. In Installer, tap the “Install” button at the bottom of the screen, then select the category “Tweaks 1.1.1″
  3. Select the package “OktoPrep” and tap the “Install” button. After it installs, you should see a message stating that you are ready to upgrade to 1.1.2.
  4. Download the iPhone 1.1.2 jailbreak package on your Mac or PC and the iPhone 1.1.2 firmware package.
  5. Launch iTunes if it isn’t already open. You may need to restore your iPhone from backup. If you see the message “A new iPhone software version (1.1.3) is available,” click the “Don’t Install” button.
  6. Select your iPhone from the left-hand pane (it may be named “untitled playlist”)
  7. If you’re on a Mac, hold the “Option” key and click the “Update” button (not “Restore”), then select the file iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw you just downloaded.
  8. If you’re on a PC, hold down the “Shift” key and click the “Update” button (not “Restore”), then select the file iPhone1,1_1.1.2_3B48b_Restore.ipsw you just downloaded.
  9. Once the update process is done, you will again see the Error 1015 or 1013 message, and your iPhone will be in recovery mode.
  10. Launch iNdependence (on a Mac) or iBrickr (on a PC) again, and wait for your phone to be kicked out of recovery mode. You will again see an activation screen (a bit different from the previous one).
  11. Quit iNdependence or iBrickr.
  12. Quit iTunes
  13. Open the 1.1.2-jailbreak folder you downloaded earlier in this step on your Mac or PC.
  14. If you’re on a Mac, launch jailbreak.jar inside the 1.1.2-jailbreak folder (make sure you have the latest version of Java installed).
  15. If you’re on a PC, launch windows.bat inside the 1.1.2-jailbreak folder.
  16. Click the “Jailbreak!” button. This process will take a few minutes.
  17. Your iPhone should restart normally and go to the “Slide to Unlock” screen. If it does not, again launch iNdependence (on a Mac) or iBrickr (on a PC) to kick the iPhone out of recovery mode again. It may restart twice, and then should take you back to the “Slide to Unlock” screen.

Step 8: Update to jailbroken 1.1.3

[UPDATE: There is now a file available through that automates the below procedure. Try it first, but return to these steps if the automatic method is not successful]

  1. On your iPhone, tap “Settings.” Go to “General,” tap “Auto-Lock” and make sure it is set to “Never.”
  2. Press the home button to go back to the home screen and launch Installer.
  3. Tap the “System” category, then install both “BSD Subsystem” and “OpenSSH”
  4. Press the home button to go back to the home screen.
  5. Tap “Settings” then “WiFi,” then press the small blue arrow next to the the WiFi network to which you are connected. Take note of your iPhone’s IP address.
  6. On your Mac or PC, download the 1.1.3 jailbreak package and expand it (it will be a folder when it’s expanded)

If you’re on a Mac, launch the Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities, then do the following:

  1. Type cd then a space.
  2. Drag the folder “Jailbreak-1.1.3″ you just downloaded onto the Terminal window and press return. Your command should look like this: cd /Users/username/Downloads/Jailbreak-1.1.3
  3. Press return
  4. Type scp -r ./* root@YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS:/ (where YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS is your iPhone’s IP address)
  5. You should now have a command that looks like this: scp -r ./* root@
  6. When asked if you are sure you want to continue, type yes and press return again.
  7. When prompted for the password, type alpine and press return. The files will transfer to your iPhone.
  8. Now type ssh root@YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS and press return
  9. When prompted for the password, again enter alpine and press return.
  10. You will now be SSH’d into the iPhone.
  11. Type cd ../../ and press return.
  12. Type sh and press return.
  13. Allow the process to take place (it takes quite a while — up to 15 minutes). When it’s done and your device reboots (it may also take several minutes to boot, and reboot several times), you will have a jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone.

If you’re on a PC, download and launch WinSCP then do the following

  1. Establish a new connection using WinSCP. Enter your iPhone’s IP address for the “Host name” (user: root and password: alpine); use the file protocol SCP.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your iPhone (/) and transfer all of the files in the folder Jailbreak-1.1.3 from your PC to this directory.
  3. Download and install Putty.
  4. In Putty, type ssh root@YOURIPHONEIPADDRESS and press return.
  5. When prompted for the password, again enter alpine and press return.
  6. You will now be SSH’d into the iPhone.
  7. Type cd ../../ and press return.
  8. Type sh and press return.
  9. Allow the process to take place (it takes quite a while — up to 15 minutes). When it’s done and your device reboots (it may also take several minutes to boot, and reboot several times), you will have a jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone.

[If your connection is interrupted or you get another error and your iPhone refuses to boot put your iPhone in recovery mode and start again with step 3. Or, if you want to give up on jailbreaking, put your iPhone in recovery mode and just hit the "Restore" button (without holding shift of option) in iTunes to bring your iPhone back to a normal 1.1.3 state. Make sure to quit iNdependence or iBrickr before doing this.]


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