Hi guyys, just now i unlocked my1.1.2 otb iphone using geohot method.
1.After the unlock is done you can again go to 1.1.2 ( it will be still unlocked)
2. No need to downgrade to unlock.. can unlock from jailbreaked 1.1.2 otb
3. Added link for fls file (remove all the -)
4. Solution to a known problem… (see at the end of this tutorial)
5. To update to 1.1.2 after unlocking at 1.0.2, simply update it to 1.1.1 or restore to 1.1.1 then install oktoprep and then update to 1.1.2
I will try to make this tutorial as simple as i can..
1. Files needed.
a, Secpack from here http://iphonejtag.blogspot.com/ (there is a link named here it is.. click on it..
b. u need the fls file.. u can download it from here.. download ICE04.02.13_G.fls file
if in case the server is down.. mail ur id.. i can forward the file to you..
2.Unlocking steps.
a. Restore/Downgrade your phone to 1.1.2 ( to clean install. You can avoid it if you want)
b. Restore/Downgrade the phone to 1.1.1( this helps to easily downgrade firmware to 1.0.2)
if you some how managed to downgrade your fimware to 1.0.2 then it is great. orelse use the next step.
c. Restore the firmware to 1.0.2. using itunes i strongly recommend you guys using itunes versin 7.5
If you get any problems while you downgrade the firmware to 1.0.2 for example error 1. u need to enter in DFU mode..
well if you donot know how to go in DFU mode follow these steps.
This is how to achieve DFU mode. You can do it on every phone:
* Attach the phone to the pc
* Turn the phone off
* Hold power and home together for *exactly* 10 seconds
* Release power but keep holding home until the pc beeps as a USB device is recognized.
* At no point will the display come on. Now your restore should work.
after going in DFU mode.. click on shift+ restore to 1.0.2 firmware.. i assume all of u guys have the 1.0.2 firmware with u downloaded.
d. after you guys sucessfully downgraded to 1.0.2 firmware.. you need to jailbreak and activate it..
to actuvate and jailbreak.. use apptapp.. u can get it from here http://www.360patches.com/Xmods/AppTappInstaller.exe
and paycay you can get it from here
first run the apptapp and select the firmware 1.0.2 from the list .. it will jailbreak and install installer in the iphone then you need to run the paycay.. this is jailbrea k and activate your iphone.. which will be on 1.0.2
There here comes the important part.. to unlock iphone.. set the autolock to never
go to installer.. and download community sources, bsd subsystem,openssh,
after doing it.. u need to copy the files which u downloaded in step 2 in ur iphone..
use ssh or pputty or winscp to do it..
u need to change the permission to 755.
Copy those files to any place you want.. i use /usr/mydir u can ssee 3 or 4 files named gunlock, gunlock.c(no need to copy),secpack and ICE.. fls files.
Then u need to go to the directory and type the follwing command..
a. to go to directory where you stored files.. cd /usr/mydir
b. to unload com center
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
c. To unlock then type ./gunlock secpack ICE04.02.13_G.fls
it will take some time.. u can see some thing going on there.. like
./gunlock secpack ICE04.02.13_G.fls
geohot’s 112 otb unlocker…
Waiting for data…
Waiting for erase to finish…
02 00 06 08 06 00 01 00 00 31 A0 00 DE 08 03 00
Address to 0xA0000000 02 00 02 08 06 00 01 00 01 31 A0 00 DB 08 03 00
Wrote: 0×800 0×0
Wrote: 0×800 0×300000
Wrote: 0×400 0×302000
Wrote: 0×0 0×302400
Sending secpack… 02 00 04 02 06 00 01 00 00 00 00 08 13 02 03 00
End Secpack 02 00 05 02 02 00 00 00 07 02 03 00
Erasing: 0xA03D0000-0xA03F0000 02 00 05 08 02 00 00 00 07 08 03 00
Waiting for erase to finish…
02 00 06 08 06 00 01 00 00 3F A0 00 EC 08 03 00
Enjoy your unlocked iPhone…
After this dont forget to load the commceter. again
type this command
launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
to make sure whether you did load the commcenter or not.. type it.
launchctl (enter)
if u see the com.apple.CommCenter in the list .. then it means you loaded the commcenter and now you are good to go..
And you guys have a unlocked iphone now..
Continuously waiting for phone while restoring to 1.0.2
Solution: For such problem. Do not restore to 1.0.2.
Restore to 1.1.2 then to 1.1.1 then install oktoprep and thenupdate to 1.1.2 and jailbreak it.
add the files to unlock and do unlockin.
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