Saturday, March 14, 2009

T-Mobile G1 User’s Guide Leaked: 40 Shots of Scrambled UI

t mo g1 getting started

When a tipster passed us the link to T-Mo’s G1 User Guide and I read over the 48 page PDF, the first thing I noticed was a misspelling of Google as “Goggle.” The second thing I noticed was that when I do end up checking out the phone, I’m definitely going to need the “Getting Started” guide—things seem quite overly complicated. Come, take a look at the interface decisions made by the designers, and judge for yourself.

As you can see, there are so many new things to learn just to perform standard phone functions, and as Jesus warned, it’s done inconsistently from music player to web browser to email to quick dial. As far as functionality goes, the manual didn’t contain any surprises. I was annoyed not to see any mention of the camera or photo gallery, nor any kind of video playback, even though the phone is capable of all that. (I also didn’t see any of the business-friendly features (VPN, for one) that I presumed were absent based on our initial flyover.) The good news is, they fixed the clock.

You can download the G1 User’s Guide PDF here, but first, skim through the screen and product shots below, and tell us what you think. [T-Mobile G1 - Thanks Shiron!]


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