Sunday, March 15, 2009

Classics brings the joy of books to the iPhone

A new application called Classics has been released for the iPhone that brings some “realism” to reading books on the iPhone.

ClassicsClassics features animated page turning and sounds, so you get the feeling of actually reading a book (a small thing, but important for the experience). Swiping your finger to left advances the page and going right turns the page back. The interface also includes a home button and a button to list the chapters of book as well.

and exit the application, a visual bookmark is placed on the page where you stopped, allowing you to easily pick up again at your leisure. This is one those distinctly luxury type apps that you don’t really need, but is a nice complimentary app if you can afford it.

It includes great classic books like Huckleberry Finn, Call of the Wild, Robinson Crusoe and more.

Classics is available from the App Store and will retail for $2.99, and is available for download immediately.


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