VoIPover3G (that’s Voice Over IP Over 3G) is what I think the hottest application that came out this weekend, and let me tell you right now, like all hot apps, it is only available in Cydia - that should give you yet another reason to jailbreak if you still haven’t done so.
So what does this bad boy do? This MobileSubstrate library can trick any application into thinking that it is on wifi even though it is on a cellular data connection. There are a lot of possible uses for that, but for me the main use is being able to use VoIP programs like Fring over 3G. So no more hack necessary to use Fring over Edge or 3G.
By default, VoIPover3G is configured to to trick only the App Store and Fring but you can edit the setting, but in order to do so, you’ll have to know your way around SSH…
As mentioned above, VoIPover3Gis available in Cydia. If you instal it, don’t look for the icon on your springboard as it doesn’t have an icon. Configuration settings are explained in the “more info” link of the app.
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